Thursday, January 2, 2014

EXO brothers

The Group at Disneyland
Instead of reviewing another episode of EXO Showtime, I want to discuss the brotherliness of the EXO

EXO sharing a room during
their pre-debut days.
Training together, working hard together and living together creates groups which members are very close to each other. EXO is no exception.While watching their show, you notice how close they are, and how well they know each other. They are more than friends, more than best friends. They've created a family with each other.

An example is Episode 3 where the member's decide to celebrate Chanyeol's birthday. They all work together to distract Chanyeol so that each member can buy him a birthday gift! They tease and play with him. Kai and Sehun end up buying him gardening gloves just to mess with him. The members know Chanyeol so well, giving him incredibly sweet gifts. For example, Chanyeol goes to the hat store with Kai and Sehun (who are trying to ditch him so they can buy a gift). Chanyeol gets distracted by a really nice hat! Everyone knows him as the guy who has a hat obsession. Once he realizes that the younger members had ditched him, he goes to look for them. Later on, you see Xiumin inside the same store, and he, unaware of Chanyeol's desire to get said hat, buys it because he knows it's exactly Chanyeol's taste. I think its uber sweet the way Xiumin knew him so well.
Chanyeol enjoying his birthday gifts all at once with the members

Near the end of the episode, the producers decide to make Chanyeol play a game. He must guess which present is from who or else he cant keep it. Although he misses a ton of gifts, he does guess many very well. Other members also choose really well for him. After this episode, it showed me how they are all like siblings. They play tricks on each other, tease each other, but love and know each other so well.

Baekhyun vs Kris to see who is strongest
I have two older siblings, so I know pretty well what it's like deal with each other. Though many times you treat each other well, other times you can't deal with them. Siblings are able to talk to each other very comfortably and aren't afraid to embarrass you. In fact, they embarrass you on purpose. Episode 4 of Showtime was nice because it was basically all of them giving and receiving gifts for Christmas. However, the best part was when they began to talk about memories of each other. Members would say obnoxious things about someone and leave them slightly bothered, however, they could still joke around. That's the best part of having a sibling. Being able to bother them freely and not have to care about losing their love! It's great how you can act as silly as you want with your siblings.

Just like we didn't choose our siblings, EXO didn't choose their member. Yet they still love each other for who they are. Being forced to practically be with each other 24/7, they make the best out of it and keep fighting! They have truly become one big family.

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